Thursday, March 24, 2011

Armour Cast Superheavy.

Greeting to anyone out there!

This was last weekends little project. Me and the boys gotta apoc game coming up in a couple of weeks, and I decided to finally pull this thing out of the closet and get it painted. Don't worry I haven't had it since the mid-90's! - but it is that old! I love the fact that this particular kit has the option to switch between the baneblade and the shadowsword - eat your heart out GW!

I did add a few 'modern' IG bits to it without ruining any of the integrity of the original casting (aside from a chip in the side - which was there when I inherited it!) You can see the autocannon and the lascannon!

I choose a color scheme to give the feel of a weathered dessert vehicle as that will be the color scheme of my up and coming project: Dune/tallarn army.

I am using IG for the upcoming build, and get tallarn models - unfortunately I don't have plans to worm things up. Worms just seem to exceed my grasp of hobby skills at the moment!