Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wrecked Drop Pod PT2

So here is: nice and finished. Ork boss dead from his sucessful efforts!

And an ariel view:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wrecked Drop Pod

Yup. That's what I did last weekend, most of it anyway. Just added the Ork yesterday. I'm generally satisfied with it. I find it very ease to build wrecked or orky terrain.

In short I built the pod w/o the bottom thusters. Cut then greenstuffed the main pod supports in place. The rest was just play as you go...most of the fun of the entire project...does make me think about running orks!

Terrain was generously supplied by my FLGS.

Next step - prime and go!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dystopian Wars!

Well there we are. The newest gaming 'fad' (hopfully not) to head into our sector. A bunch of the boys at the FLGS bought in and I thought why not - cheaper then the average GW purchace, I'd just sold my O&G army - sure!

That was about a month ago, home life has been busy, so I haven't gotten in a game yet, but the escallation league kicks off in two weeks, and I'm really looking forword to it.

This is my first spartan games purchase. As you can see my choice is the Prussains, purly on astectics - and the idea of course of 'tesla coils', and the WWI look was a big sell for me (at least the naval aspect) I'm really impressed by the models, and for the scale I'm finding them pretty easy to paint.
I've often wanted to play something on an 'epic' scale, but with a cheaper buy in; and with 8th ed fantasy removing movement as a tactical factor, this looks like it will fill that nitch a bit.

So here's to hoping it takes off!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Battle Ready Elements of the 144th Corinthian Stormguard.

Just a quick post on my recent, 90% finished project. The rebased Corinthian Stormguard.

I'd post more pics in a different order but I'm finding blogger less then user friendly at the moment!

More photes available below if I did that right:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Armour Cast Superheavy.

Greeting to anyone out there!

This was last weekends little project. Me and the boys gotta apoc game coming up in a couple of weeks, and I decided to finally pull this thing out of the closet and get it painted. Don't worry I haven't had it since the mid-90's! - but it is that old! I love the fact that this particular kit has the option to switch between the baneblade and the shadowsword - eat your heart out GW!

I did add a few 'modern' IG bits to it without ruining any of the integrity of the original casting (aside from a chip in the side - which was there when I inherited it!) You can see the autocannon and the lascannon!

I choose a color scheme to give the feel of a weathered dessert vehicle as that will be the color scheme of my up and coming project: Dune/tallarn army.

I am using IG for the upcoming build, and get tallarn models - unfortunately I don't have plans to worm things up. Worms just seem to exceed my grasp of hobby skills at the moment!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lazy Saturday.

Old man winter is back in moderate force today. Just a little snow, but its the 'thought that counts'? After a beautiful and unseasonably warm week (50's and 60's), we are back in the teens. No mounts of ugly dirty snow remain, just the fresh half inch that has fallen in the over night.

I've spent the morning organizing and packing for today's battle. The campaign is winding down (finally!). We are in the last two games, and frankly the Imperium is screwed.

I'm going back to Guard today. After several months of playing SM at the in the escalation league at the FLGS (and losing more then I'm comfortable with) I really miss my Imperial Guard. I even tried marines in the campaign for a game - no dice. I still haven't learned how to use them properly, and going 1-2 at last weekends tournament didn't inspire my confidence (dang T4 armies). But my marines are a pretty fluffy army, and I knew that's what I wanted when I started that army. And I had alot of fun painting this army, but playing - well you can't always win with what you WANT to play, at least with Space Marines! So back to the guard!
I'm doubly excited for the IG today. I'm also starting my 2nd IG army: Tallarn, with a dune inspired theme. Lots of blast weaponry and plasma, and even rough-riders (so people can't call my 2 vendetta's cheesey! - that and I love the models!) It'll be a while before this army is up and running. I did however spend yesterday assembling and 'fixing' some vehicles I bought 2nd hand.
BUT today's game, is that last campaign games (two of them ideally), with my old guard - who have an OK paint job, but very poor basing (need to fix that!). All that vehicle building kind of game me a mech-bug, so I'm meching out far more then usual. Should be interesting.
That's all folks!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blue Stormraven

This is how I choose to start. A supposed fluff abomination. That's right a blue, crimson fist stormraven. Why, because I had no wish to play those tastie little blood angles. Ideally I'd like to see this model upon up to all armies. I've only played one game with it, just one. The pricey little midnight blue box was shot outta the air by an ork with a medium size gun...just what you thought would happen on paper!
Please forgive the towel.